Which money types are running your money life?

Money Coaching for Individuals and Couples

Money is a big part of our lives, but let's be honest, we hardly ever talk about it. Especially for those who make a good income or have savings sitting around not working hard for you. It's like there's this unspoken rule that you should just know how to handle money well. But here's the thing: managing money isn't just about the numbers. It's mostly about how we feel when we're making those money moves.

We make financial decisions based on emotions without even realising it.

It's time to transform your money life. Money Coaching isn't about complicated financial jargon; it's about getting real with how we think and feel about money. By understanding this, you can start making smarter decisions, ease that money stress, and talk about finances without it being a big deal.

In this current financial climate this is a NEED not a LUXURY.

Think about it: feeling confident about your money, no matter the situation. That's what we're aiming for. If you're tired of avoiding the topic and want to get your money working for you…

What’s your financial destination?

Let’s transform your financial uncertainty into confident wealth-building with expert money coaching.

If you're earning well yet feel lost with your finances, or if your savings aren't working as hard as they could be, my coaching offers clarity, and control. I specialise in guiding you towards financial freedom, helping you live the lifestyle you desire without fear. Through personalised strategies and clear financial strategies, we make your dream of financial security a reality.

Let's unlock your path to sustainable wealth and confidence together.

With a money map, a compass to keep you on track, the right financial knowledge, and motivation and support to empower you along the way, let’s go on a financial adventure together and see how easily and quickly we can get you to the financial destination you dream of.  

“Let’s go on a financial adventure together.”

How do you feel about money?

  • Is your bank balance going down - or up, and you don't know how to manage that?
  • Are you wanting to save but can't seem to work out how to do it even though you earn well?
  • Do you worry that you won't be able to leave an inheritance for your children?

Money is the basis of many of our decisions in life. It’s an emotionally charged problem that’s with us 24/7. Yet we spend more time worrying about it than actually solving it. Either because we’re taught not to talk about money, or we’ve been brought up with negative money memories and connections.

Let’s get your financial relationship back on the right track and you’ll also witness an improvement in your relationship with your family, your work, your partner and yourself.  

Which money types are running your money life?

Do you understand clearly what your relationship with money is like? Sometimes we can be guided by our inner Innocent or Martyr, other days our Warrior is in the driving seat. Some mornings we wake up and our Victim is at the forefront. Knowing how to spot our traits and control our mindset revolutionises our relationship with money and allows us to become full time money Magicians.

Take The Money Type Quiz and learn how to become a Money Warrior and Magician.

Coaching Tailored for You

Couples Coaching

Is money the one thing that you argue about? Or is it the elephant in the room? Did you know money is the second biggest cause of divorce? Whether you have been married for years or are just about to tie the knot, I can diffuse the negative emotions around money and turn you into a financially comfortable couple.

One to One Coaching

Would you like to feel empowered when it comes to your finances? Perhaps there’s a holiday, party, car or house you would like to save for? Financial freedom is within reach and understanding how to make the most of your salary and feeling confident managing your monthly budget are two of the greatest life lessons you can learn.

My Money Makeover

Struggling to manage your money?

The My Money Makeover program is designed just for you!

Over 8 weeks, you'll transform your relationship with money, heal any guilt or shame around your finances, and gain the confidence to take control.

Join a small, supportive group of like-minded individuals in this online journey. You’ll receive expert guidance, mindset shifts, and practical tools to become a confident money manager and start building real wealth.

Ready to take charge? Sign up for the waitlist today and be the first to get access!

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